
What's Growing Here at Little Booyal Farm?
Discover what produce we grow on our small farm. Sustainability using permaculture practices in our family food forest, as well experimenting with aquaponics. We give you all the dirt on what it takes to grow an edible food garden. Growing tips, harvesting guides and farm to plate recipes! Subscribe to the 'WEEKLY DIRT' below!

Coming Soon
Here at Little Booyal Farm we breed crickets and mealworms as a great
addition to our chicken's already colourful diet. Given as treats, our
chickens love these tasty morsels which are high in protein and healthy fats, which as an added bonus help with regular egg production!
We will be offering live insects in our online shop in due course.
Farm Projects
Medicinal Herb Garden
Using Permaculture practices, creating a medicinal herb garden for personal use.
Edible Food Forest
Raising Chickens Naturally
The divine smell of mixed herbs in the nesting boxes and fresh
herbal tea with edible flowers does absolutely wonders for your flock.
We teach you the how, what and why’s of raising chickens naturally with herbs and essential oils.
Living On Less
And loving it! We uncover the tips and tricks to frugal living, without sacrificing the things we love!